Hi Frenz,
A couple weeks ago, I attended the What If Conference hosted by Sacramento's Impact Foundry. The event was pretty rad and one presenter in particular focused on Crypto donations in the non-profit sector.
I've wanted to accept crypto donations for a couple years now but haven't pulled the trigger cause setting is just another thing that would take me away from providing our actual services. Our mission isn't to setup a foundation to accept crypto donations, it's to provide access to music :)
Long story short, the presenter runs a business to do the setup and processing for NPs and I'm trying to decide if we should pay them to do that or not. I've definitely learned that just because you setup Amazon Smile, doesn't mean that anyone is gonna notice or use it, unless you constantly remind them its there and they should use it???
I don't want this to get too ranty, so maybe I'll leave it there and ask what you think. Are you a crypto holder? If so, are actively seeking non-profits that accept crypto donations?
How Cryptocurrency Mining Impacts The Environment - YouTube